Tuesday, 27 July 2010

final mask version

After I had chosen the design of the mask I then needed to see what style of mask would be best for the villain. I originaly wanted a full head mask, but I explored other options such as the hockey mask look which several people liked. But i felt like this had been done to often and looked a bit to familer. So although I did turn arounds of both the hockey style mask and the full mask version. Unless advised otherwise I shall be choosing the full mask version.

villains mask explored

Here are the mask variations I tried, I decided to make the mask more doll like and wanted to see how it would look with a ventriloquist dummys mouth. I liked the first drawing I did after i'd exlpored further and chose my final version based of that.

final version of villain

Here is the costume I chose. I have drawn both the underclothes and overclothes of the villain to make it more clear whats going on. I will soon be posting a colour version of all the characters I have done.Another aspect of the villain which I redid was the mask which will be posted next.

villain redone

Here are the second load of concepts done for my villain. I originally wanted her to have a dolls mask, such like the old broken dolls heads you sometimes see as I find them quite scary, and I thought it was different enough and make the character more unique. To build on that idea I then decided to follow through and apply the dolls theme throughout her costume aswell.
I found some disturbing images of dolls online which I used for reference which I shall also post.
I wanted the villain to have the look of something that has been thrown together and stitched back lots of times, and to also have layers of clothes to help with her disguise.
This is where I ran into problems as I also wanted to keep her femininity aswell and show of her curves in a tastefull way, and applying lots of layers was going against that.
so I experimented with several differant variations untill I came up with the end result.
The coat itself was inspired by the gilly suit the snipers wear. but instead of the coat being made of nylon or whatever material their made from. the villains is going to be made up of strips of old clothes shes gatherd over the years, just to give her that grimy look.

3rd character in skit

There will be a third charcater in my film idea that will be the dead body the hero discovers upon entering the building.
For this I originally intended to just have a human figure modelled into the environment as at that time I didnt think I would be animating it. At this stage I am still unsure but I believe it would be easier to just have a third character modelled and rigged so as I could then posistion the body as I choose, and if changes in the story/environment where to occur then it wouldnt be a huge loss as I could just take the model out instead of having it permenantly stuck within the environment itself.
The third character will be another police officer so the costume design has already been done. All I needed to do was to design a male character in those clothes which will also be made of the same texture as the female hero.
Above are the templates I drew and turn arounds and various hair styles explored for this charcater.The colour of the uniform will also be the same as the female hero.

Monday, 19 July 2010

This is the image of one of my favourite characters from kim possible. I liked the look of the material on the costume legs, I have zoomed in on the legs in the next image to try and make it easier to see. The black parts are interwoven and this is what i want for the black and blue parts of the heros t.shirt.The smoothness of the green area on her legs is the texture I want the blue parts of the heros legs to look like.

textures for clothes

I have several images ive found which I want to use for textures.
For the boots and gloves of the hero ive found pictures online of how I want them to look, and I will give them to the modeller who will model them as such.
Their is also an image I found of a charcater I like who has some interesting textures on the charcaters leg which looks very nice which I want to use for the t.shirt material of my character.
Ive also included the layout of a police belt which I used for reference.

final versions of hero clothes

Here are the finished versions, front and back of the hero. I have included the clothes under the bullet proof vest to help make it easier to see how her outfit comes together.

I have included the line versions of the drawings aswell.

The colours used in this may change in tone (especially the blue which I want to be darker)

but this was just a test to see which tones I wanted to go for generally.

Also i've just realised i've forgotten to colour in the boots, they will be black.